Have a routine!
- Involve your core workgroup. Solicit any items to be added to the agenda in advance of your meeting and before sending out the official agenda.
- Ask for agenda items at least 48 hours before agenda is to be sent out so you have time to get clarification on items if needed.
- Always send out your agenda 24 hours in advance of your meeting.
Use a second set of eyes.
- Run your agenda by someone else to make sure there are actions associated with agenda items and its clear to someone else what will be achieved during that portion of the meeting.
Be consistent
- Have an agenda template that is visually consistent, so members focus on the content and not the changing look of agendas.
- Follow-up the meeting with action items assigned to key individuals or groups of people so it’s clear when discussing progress in future meetings.
- Follow-up with individuals on their action items. Make sure members are held responsible for any portions of the agenda they volunteer to tackle.